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Chun-Wei Yu, Assistant Professor

  • Assistant Professors



    National Taiwan University

    Postdoctoral Scholar

    Institute of Molecular Biology, Academic Sinica, Taiwan

    Institute of Plant Biology, National Taiwan University


    Chloroplast Lipids, Plant Epigenetics, Plant Molecular Biology



    Life Science Building R709







  • Recent Research Topics

  • Galactolipid biosynthesis and degradation in chloroplasts

    Regulation of polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in Microalgae


  • Laboratory: Chloroplast Lipids Laboratory

  • Mono-galactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) and di-galactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG) are major membrane lipids in plastids, which together constitute about 80% of total lipids in chloroplasts. The high abundance of galactolipids in chloroplasts and cyanobacteria, and their absence from most non-photosynthetic organisms, suggest that galactolipids not only provide building blocks for photosynthetic membranes but also have specific functions in photosynthesis. Recent evidence shows that the unbalance MGDG/DGDG ratio triggers jasmonic acid (JA) overproduction in DGD1 (DGDG synthase) deficiency mutants. Therefore, in addition to maintaining the function of photosynthesis, galactolipid is also a precursor for the synthesis of plant hormone JA. When plants are under the stress of phosphate starvation, galactolipids can be transported from chloroplasts to other organelles to replace part of the functions of phospholipids. Our recent research focuses on the biosynthesis and metabolic pathways of galactolipids in plants, hoping to understand how MGDG/DGDG homeostasis induces the biosynthesis of JA.        

    Unlike the galactolipids in Arabidopsis, the fatty acid composition is mainly 16 and 18 carbons. MGDG and DGDG of specific microalgae have fatty acid chains with higher carbon numbers (20 carbons and 22 carbons), and our long-term goal is to extend our research on galactolipids and lipases to algae and explore omega- 3 (20:5, EPA or 22:6, DHA) biosynthetic regulation mechanism.

  • Art editor Img


  • Selected Research Publication

  • Publications

  • 1. Sujuan Gao, Xueqin Zeng, Jianhao Wang, Yingchao Xu,  Chun-Wei Yu, Yishui Huang, Feng Wang, Keqiang Wu,* and  

            Songguang Yang*  (2021, Nov). Arabidopsis SUMO E3 Ligase SIZ1 Interacts with HDA6 and Negatively Regulates  

            HDA6 Function during Flowering.  Cells, 10, 3001. 

    2. Chun-Wei Yu, Yang-Tsung Lin, and Hsou-min Li*  (2020, Jun). Increased ratio of galactolipids MGDG:DGDG induces  

            jasmonic acid overproduction and changes chloroplast shape.  New Phytologist, 228: 1327-1335. 

    3. Hsou-min Li*,  Chun-Wei Yu  (2018, May). Chloroplast Galactolipids: The Link Between Photosynthesis, Chloroplast 

            Shape, Jasmonates, Phosphate Starvation and Freezing Tolerance.  Plant and Cell Physiology, 59 (6), 1128-1134. 

    4. Chun-Wei Yu, Ready Tai, Shen-Chi Wang, Ping Yang, Ming Luo, Songguang Yang, Kai Cheng, Wen-Chun Wang, Yi- 

            Sheng Cheng, and Keqiang Wu*  (2017, Aug). HISTONE DEACETYLASE6 Acts in Concert with Histone  

            Methyltransferases SUVH4, SUVH5, and SUVH6 to Regulate Transposon Silencing.  Plant Cell, 29:1970-1983. 

    5. Chun-Wei Yu, Kao-Yuan Chang and Keqiang Wu*  (2016, Apr). Genome-Wide Analysis of Gene Regulatory Networks 

            of the FVE-HDA6-FLD Complex in Arabidopsis.  Frontiers in Plant Science, 7:555.

    6. Ming Luo#, Ready Tai#,  Chun-Wei Yu#, Songguang Yang, Chia-Yang Chen, Wen-Dar Lin, Wolfgang Schmidt and   

            Keqiang Wu*  (2015, Jun). Regulation of flowering time by the histone deacetylase HDA5 in ArabidopsisThe Plant  

            Journal, 82:925-936. # equal contribution.

    7. Chia-Chi Hsu, Pei-Shan Wu, Tien-Chih Chen,  Chun-Wei Yu, Wen-Chieh Tsai, Keqiang Wu, Wen-Luan Wu, Wen-Huei 

            Chen, Hong-Hwa Chen*  (2014, Dec). Histone Acetylation Accompanied with Promoter Sequences Displaying  

            Differential Expression Profiles of B-Class MADS-Box Genes for Phalaenopsis Floral Morphogenesis. PLoS ONE

            9(12): e106033. 

    . Prashant Singh, Shweta Yekondi, Po-Wen Chen, Chia-Hong Tsai,  Chun-Wei Yu, Keqiang Wu, Laurent Zimmerli* (2014, 

              Jun). Environmental History Modulates Arabidopsis Pattern-Triggered Immunity in a HISTONE 

             ACETYLTRANSFERASE1–Dependent Manner.  Plant Cell, 26:2676-2688. 

    9. Xuncheng Liua, Songguang Yanga, Minglei Zhaoa, Ming Luo,  Chun-Wei Yu, Chia-Yang Chen, Ready Tai, and Keqiang  

           Wu*  (2014, May). Transcriptional Repression by Histone Deacetylases in Plants.  Molecular Plant, 7:764-772. 

    10. Yi Zhou, Bin Tan, Ming Luo, Yin Li, Chen Liu, Chen Chen,  Chun-Wei Yu, Songguang Yang, Shuai Dong, Jiuxiao Ruan, 

             Liangbin Yuan, Zhou Zhang, Linmao Zhao, Chenlong Li, Huhui Chen, Yuhai Cui, Keqiang Wu and Shangzhi 

             Huang*  (2013, Jan). HISTONE DEACETYLASE19 Interacts with HSL1 and Participates in the Repression of Seed 

             Maturation Genes in Arabidopsis Seedlings.  Plant Cell, 25:134-148. 

    11. Ming Luo#Chun-Wei Yu#, Fang-Fang Chen, Linmao Zhao, Gang Tian, Xuncheng Liu, Yuhai Cui, Jun-Yi Yang, Keqiang 

             Wu*  (2012, Dec). Histone Deacetylase HDA6 Is Functionally Associated with AS1 in Repression of KNOX Genes in 

             Arabidopsis.  PLOS genetics, 8(12): e1003114. # equal contribution.

    12. Xuncheng Liu,  Chun-Wei Yu, Jun Duan, Ming Luo, Koching Wang, Gang Tian, Yuhai Cui and Keqiang Wu* (2012, Jan).

             HDA6 Directly Interacts with DNA Methyltransferase MET1 and Maintains Transposable Element Silencing in 

             Arabidopsis.  Plant Physiology, 158:119-129. 

    13. Chun-Wei Yu, Xuncheng Liu, Ming Luo, Chiayang Chen, Xiaodong Lin, Gang Tian, Qing Lu, Yuhai Cui, and Keqiang 

             Wu*  (2011, May). HISTONE DEACETYLASE6 Interacts with FLOWERING LOCUS D and Regulates Flowering in 

              Arabidopsis.  Plant Physiology, 156:173-184. 

    14. Malona V Alinsug,  Chun-Wei Yu  and Keqiang Wu*  (2009, Mar). Phylogenetic analysis, subcellular localization, and 

              expression patterns of RPD3/HDA1 family histone deacetylases in plants.  BMC Plant Biology, 9:37. 

    15. Keqiang Wu*, Lin Zhang, Changhe Zhou,  Chun-Wei Yu  and Vijaya Chaikam  (2008, Jan). HDA6 is required for 

               jasmonate response, senescence and flowering in Arabidopsis.  Journal of Experimental Botany, 59:225-234. 


  • Courses information

  • MCB8001 Seminar (Ph. D.)
    MCB8002 Research Training (Ph. D.)
    MCB7002  Research Training (M.S.)
    MCB5039 Seminar in Chloroplast Lipids