

黃筱鈞 教授

  • 職稱



















  • 近年研究主題

    1. 正常與癌細胞紡錘體長度與方向的調控 

    2. 以大腸桿菌為模型實現人工極性與不對稱分裂 

    3. 以小分子藥物實現細胞重編程


  • 研究室簡介

    細胞分裂與分化為生命最基礎也最有趣的過程,微擾這些過程可能造成癌化的增生與細胞間異質性 ( 或提供單細胞生物生存優勢 ) 。本實驗室以哺乳動物細胞與細菌為模型,顯微鏡、小分子藥物、合成生物學與電腦計算為主要手段,嘗試了解關鍵分子與其量化尺度參數在對稱與不對稱分裂及分化所扮演的角色,與重新裝配這些過程以盼提供新興療法與應用的契機。 

  • 給新生的話

    實驗室將逐漸轉型為純計算實驗室。我們將探討合成資料 (synthetic data) 如何應用於醫療,與如何幫助真實資料量有限的細胞與合成生物學問題。


  • 學術著作

  • 1.     Hong JC, Fan HC, Yang PJ, Lin DW, Wu HC and Huang HC*. (2021) Localized proteolysis for the construction of intracellular asymmetry in Escherichia coliACS Synthetic Biology 10, 1830-1836. (*Corresponding)

    2.     Lin DW, Liu Y, Lee YQ, Yang PJ, Ho CT, Hong JC, Hsiao JC, Liao DC, Liang AJ, Hung TC, Chen YC, Tu HL, Hsu CP and Huang HC*. (2021) Construction of intracellular asymmetry and asymmetric division in Escherichia coliNature Communications 12, 888. (*Corresponding)

    3.     Lai PL, Chen TC, Feng YC, Lin H, Chen Y, Wu N, Hsiao M, Lu J* and Huang HC*. (2020) Selection of a Malignant Subpopulation from a Colorectal Cancer Cell Line. Oncology Letters 20, 2937-2945. (*Corresponding)

    4.     Tseng WC, Chen CK, Li JT, Sun M* and Huang HC*. (2019) Disentangling Experimental Noise from Fluorescent Microscopy Images with Multi-Cell Type. NeurIPS 2019 Workshop "Learning Meaningful Representations of Life". (*Corresponding)

    5.     Chen Y, Nam S, Chaudhuri O* and Huang HC*. (2019) The evolution of spindles and their mechanical implications for cancer metastasis. Cell Cycle 18, 1671-1675. (*Corresponding) 

    6.     Chen PC, Ho SY, Chen PL, Hung TC, Liang AJ, Kuo TF, Huang HC and Wang TA. (2017) Selective Targeting of Vibrios by Fluorescent Siderophore-Based Probes. ACS Chemical Biology 12, 2720-2724.

    7.     Lai PL, Lin H, Chen SF, Yang SC, Hung SH, Chang CF, Chang HY, Lu FL, Lee YH, Liu YC, Huang HC* and Lu J*. (2017) Efficient Generation of Chemically Induced Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Human Dermal Fibroblasts. Scientific Reports 7, 44534. (*Corresponding)

    8.     Young CF#, Tsai WY#, Chen WA#, Liang KW, Pan CJ, Lai PL, Yang PC and Huang HC*. (2016) Kinesin-5 Contributes to Spindle-length Scaling in the Evolution of Cancer toward Metastasis. Scientific Reports 6, 35767. (#Equal contribution) (*Corresponding)

    9.     Wang WL, Huang HC, Kao SH, Hsu YC, Wang YT, Li KC, Chen YJ, Yu SL, Wang SP, Hsiao TH, Yang PC, Hong TM. (2015) Slug is temporally regulated by cyclin E in cell cycle and controls genomic stability. Oncogene 34, 1116-1125.

    10.  Pan CJ and Huang HC*. (2013). Noise in Genetic Circuits: Hindrance or Chance? IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD, review). (*Corresponding)

    11.  Kwiatkowski N, Deng X, Wang J, Tan L, Villa F, Santaguida S, Huang HC, Mitchison T, Musacchio A, Gray N. (2012). Selective Aurora Kinase Inhibitors Identified Using a Taxol-Induced Checkpoint Sensitivity Screen. ACS Chemical Biology 7, 185-96.

    12.  Shi J, Zhou I, Huang HC and Mitchison TJ. (2011). Navitoclax (ABT-263) accelerates apoptosis during drug-induced mitotic arrest by antagonizing Bcl-xL. Cancer Research 71, 4518-26.

    13.  Huang HC, Mitchison TJ and Shi J. (2010). Stochastic competition between mechanistic independent slippage and death pathways determines cell fate during mitotic arrest. PLoS ONE 5, e15724.

    14.  Huang HC*, Shi J, Orth JD and Mitchison TJ. (2010). Cell death when the SAC is out of commission. Cell Cycle 9, 2049-50. (*Corresponding)

    15.  Huang HC*, Shi J, Orth JD and Mitchison TJ. (2009). Evidence that mitotic exit is a better cancer therapeutic target than spindle assembly. Cancer Cell 16, 347-58. (*Corresponding)


  • 開設課程

  • LS1009 普通生物學 ( 大學部 )
    LS1017 普通生物學實驗 ( 大學部 )
    MCB8001  博士班專題討論 
    MCB7002  專題研究 ( 碩士班 )
    MCB8002 專題研究 (博士班)
    MCB7025 系統與合成生物學專題討論
    LS1001 服務學習 (大學部)
    MCB7026 系統與合成生物學
    LS4002 書報討論(大學部) 
    MCB5007 分子與細胞生物學
    LS4999 學士論文 (大學部)
    LS5085 合成生物學